Piracy threats are a grim reality today with more vessels than ever before being the target of pirate attacks, putting lives and property at risk. If pirates manage to board your vessel, ensure the crew have facilities in the safe room or citadel to know how many are on board, what arms they have and where they are located. This together with other measures can help provide better assessment to resolve the situation as quickly and safely as possible.

When faced with pirate vessels approaching your ship, the master and crew need to know what is going on before, during and after pirates board in order to safely manage the vessel and their own lives.

Having detected the pirates approaching, the crew will retreat to the safe room, effectively ‘blind’, so would benefit greatly from CCTV:

  • to know that the master is safe on the bridge
  • to monitor when pirates board to alert the master
  • to retreat to the safe room
  • to monitor from the safe room, how many pirates are on board, what weapons they have, where they located. This can be relayed to authorities via  satellite phone
  • to monitor if pirates are approaching the safe room or key access points, to secure as fully as possible
  • allow owners, managers or authorities to directly access cameras for better assessment and response
  • to have recorded footage which can be used as evidence in any prosecution


  • Automatic operation
  • Competitively priced
  • Suitable for all vessel types
  • Internal 8t external cameras
  • Remote monitoring via FBB or VSAT
  • Hard drive for days of recording
  • Continual recording mode
  • 4, 8 or 16 camera options
  • Watermarked for evidential use High
  • quality recording 1920 x 1080
  • USB /network connection for backup

Other piracy response solutions include:

  1. Solid state radars with better detection of small objects for early warning of piracy vessels
  2. Thermal cameras to help dentify any suspect vessel, night or day giving time to repond
  3. Bullet proof vests, helmets and visors for crew safety when under attack
  4. Satellite phone for the safe room with integrated GPS tracking so the vessels position is always known

Systems Configuration

The CCTV system can be setup to suit internal and
external requirements and run automatically so the
crew can benefit from intelligence without having
to control a complicated system when under stress.

Internal camera options

Covert cameras are recommended for mounting on
the bridge and entrances to critical access areas,
so they are not easily detected.
These cameras are available in different forms:
smoke detectors, motion detectors or pinhole
cameras that can be mounted anywhere.

External camera options
External cameras are available in various formats
which are waterproof up to IP6B and suitable for
harsh marine environments.

Remote control
Connect the digital video recorder to your on-board
network or Fleet Broadband / VSAT to allow owners,
managers or authorities to monitor all cameras on
board if any incident occurs.


Power: 110/ 230v AC operation

Cameras: 600 TVL high resolution

Long range IR lighting options

Input from long range thermal cameras


Camera inputs: 8 or 16 channels

Recording mode: auto, continuous, manual

Hard drive: 2TB or 6TB options

Video resolution: Wide screen 1600 x 900

Recording resolution: 1920 x 1080 max.

Recording rate: 480fps /240fps/ 120fps.

For more information please contact:
169 Kaki Bukit Ave 1, #02-00
Shunli Industrial Park
Singapore 416019
Tel: +65 6286 6166